Never hesitate to ask your lawyer about any part of the fees you do not understand. There are many people that have issues with the fees they are charged by an attorney, but many of them do not say anything. There is a chance that you can do some of the work yourself and save a little, so make sure to ask about that.
Never pick the first lawyer you find in the phone book. When it comes to legal representation, you must treat your situation with respect by taking time to research each lawyer you're thinking of using. Even other professionals may not know what they are doing in this situation; they could inadvertently lead you to someone who isn't licensed or doesn't know what they are doing. Beware.
Do not make the mistake of believing that an older lawyer automatically knows more than a lawyer that is a bit younger. Someone may have been in practice longer, but that does not mean that they automatically have experience in the area of law that pertains to your case.
A good tip to keep in mind if you're going to be working with a lawyer soon is to do everything you can to educate yourself about your case and the legal process. By having more knowledge about your case, you'll be able to ask your lawyer all the right questions.
There are many quality lawyers that charge reasonable rates. Your case depends on a good lawyer, and you don't have to break the bank to hire one.